Notice John 11:50-51 and the context. The prophesy Caiaphas unwittingly spoke wasn’t about penal substitution. The context is interesting and notice the reverse liberal logic: The Priests knew of Christ’s miracles and signs.The priests believed that the Jews would believe on Christ, and that the Romans would destroy the people, the temple, and nation of Israel for following Christ. So to save the nation Israel from being put to death and destroyed by the Romans for having followed Christ…They sought to put Christ to death. And so Caiaphas prophesied “that Jesus would die(apothnesko, physically die) for the Jewish nation”…and not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one.
This unwitting prophesy that Caiaphas spoke cannot be “interpreted” as dying in their place, or instead of them but “for them” and for their reconciliation and healing and restoration. This is another nail in the penal substitution coffin. “For them” has the magic preposition “huper” in it, which cannot be interpreted as “instead of them or in their place”. It is logical to assume that the pharisees believed that Christ himself would also be destroyed by Rome…as since when would the barbaric Romans destroy an entire nation for following a leader and not put the leader that was the cause of it to death? The pharisees understood that the Romans would make a special case and spectacle out of Christ’s death, as an example and warning for all.
What is interesting about the pharisees liberal reverse logic is that the exact opposite occurred, for having rejected the Messiah, the temple, the nation and a majority of the Jewish people were destroyed as a result. I am sure today some “liberal theologian” will use tortured convoluted rationalization and not see what is there and see what is not there and suggest that “Christ was really dying for their sins, in their place…because it says it in other verses”. The other verses used rely on the misinterpretation of “huper” as being interpreted as “in their place”. One could ask how when “huper” in John 11:51 cannot be interpreted in context as “in their place”…somehow magically is…because they believe it is in other places. The context of the prophesy in John 11:51 is “Christ being physically put to death FOR the people and nation, in order to deliver the people and nation of Israel”.
Huper is found all over the bible, in the LXX, 2 Chronicles: “But he slew not their sons, according to the covenant of the law of the Lord, as it is written, [and as the Lord commanded, saying, The fathers shall not die for(huper) the children, and the sons shall not die for(huper) the fathers, but they shall die each for his own sin.”The context is Amasias already having put to death the men who murdered the king, afterward did not put the sons of those men to death. This is another section where the preposition huper cannot be interpreted as “in their place” or “instead of them”. In fact in context it is to be taken as “the children not being put to death also or as well or in addition”. The penal substitutionists when confronted by the last sentence of that verse “each is to die for his own sins”, will typically claim it as “divine disciplne” or “family of God discipline”. Then one could ask how is it that death is used anywhere for disciplinary reasons…because discipline is for the purposes of getting children to stop misbehaving and start acting rightly…putting a child to death prevents that possibility. Execution isn’t discipline! <—bad message to parents to suggest that putting your child to death is part of family discipline. In suggesting that putting people to death is just “family discipline or divine discipline”, we find the unreal use of words and definitions, for if you look in the real common man’s (non religious) KOINE DICTIONARY…under the definition of “discipline” putting people to death isn’t found there, nor is such a ghastly unreal liberal definition found in real life. As far as humans go, any parent who kills their child goes to jail, because it isn’t discipline, it is homicide. And as for the court of God I conclude that putting people to death for capital level crimes, isn’t discipline, it is wrath and justice being executed.
In the examples of huper below, there is no reason to interpret huper in anything other than the common sense koine use of words, which is for, for ones benefit, etc. The “interpretation” of the preposition “huper” only gets weird, convoluted and unreal in verses where penal substitutionists want to make claims that their doctrine is in the bible, and everywhere else the word huper is found…its just “for” and the normal, common use as is found in real life. And when phrases like “gives his life for the sins of the world”…”in the place of the sins” or “instead of the sins of the world” makes no sense. “Died for the sins”<—try and grammatically exegete that! Died instead of sins or died in the place of sins? This is where they get desperate and claim the word “sins” means “people”…that the verse means “died in the place of sinners”, which is basically them making the phrase mean whatever they want it to mean, liberal is lifestyle, liberal in politics, liberal in morality, liberal in law…liberal in theology just the same.
5:44 pray for them which.
10:24 A disciple is not above his teacher, nor the servant above his lord.
10:37 or mother more than Me is not worthy.
9:40 On our part.
19:24 that is poured out for many.
6:40 A pupil is not above his teacher;
9:50 who is not against us, is for us.
16:8 wiser than the children.
22:19 which is given for you: this.
22:20 which is shed for you.
1:30 This is He on behalf of whom I said.
6:51 I will give for the life of the world.
10:11 lays down his life for the sheep.
10:15 my life for the sheep.
11:4 death, but for the glory of God.
11:51 should die for that nation.
11:52 And not for that nation only.
13:37 my life for thy sake.
13:38 thy life for my sake? Verily,
15:13 his life for his friends.
17:19 For their sakes I sanctify Myself.
18:14 man should die for the people.
5:41 to suffer shame for his
8:24 pray earnestly you on behalf of me to.
9:16 must suffer for my name’s sake.
15:26 their lives for the name of our.
21:13 at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord.
21:26 should be offered for every.
26:13 from heaven, above the brightness.
1:5 all nations, for his name.
5:6 Christ died for the ungodly.
5:7 For scarcely for a righteous man will.
5:8 we Christ for us died.
8:27 he maketh intercession for the saints.
8:31 If God [be] for us, who.
8:32 him up for us all.
8:34 also maketh intercession for us.
9:3 from Christ for my brethren.
9:27 also crieth concerning Israel, Though.
10:1 to God for Israel is.
14:5 with thy meat, for whom Christ.
15:8 to the circumcision on behalf of the truth.
15:9 might glorify God for [his] mercy.
15:30 to God for me.
16:4 Who have for my life.
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