(09:15 PM) heavensent_john315: do you know any babies?
(09:16 PM) principledsandard: yeah
(09:16 PM) principledsandard: and i do not think they deserve to be nailed to trees
(09:16 PM) principledsandard: do you?
(09:16 PM) heavensent_john315: what do babies deserve?
(09:16 PM) heavensent_john315: why would you nail a baby to a tree
(09:16 PM) principledsandard: aid, sustenance
(09:16 PM) heavensent_john315: are you sadistic?
(09:16 PM) heavensent_john315: do you kill babies?
(09:16 PM) principledsandard: well, is your God sadistic?
(09:17 PM) principledsandard: did He want to nail babies to trees….only to have His Son step in at the last minute and be nailed to a tree in their place?
(09:17 PM) heavensent_john315: what babies?
(09:17 PM) heavensent_john315: show proof of your claim
(09:17 PM) principledsandard: answer the question
(09:17 PM) heavensent_john315: show proof
(09:17 PM) heavensent_john315: you must be very brutal to kill babies
(09:18 PM) heavensent_john315: why do you murder babies?
(09:18 PM) principledsandard: did christ die in the place of ALL MEN, taking the punishment that ALL MEN INCLUDING BABIES DESERVED?
(09:18 PM) heavensent_john315: you need to see a doctor
(09:18 PM) heavensent_john315: why do you murder babies?
(09:18 PM) heavensent_john315: you are very sick
(09:18 PM) principledsandard: answer the question instead of hurteling accusations
(09:18 PM) heavensent_john315: you need a doctor and psychiatrist
(09:18 PM) principledsandard: you know what i am refering to
(09:19 PM) heavensent_john315: you brought up the fact about babies
(09:19 PM) principledsandard: it is your doctrines that i am referring to
(09:19 PM) heavensent_john315: not me
(09:19 PM) heavensent_john315: it is you
(09:19 PM) principledsandard: you believe that babies deserve death, that all men do beause of their sin
(09:19 PM) heavensent_john315: not me
(09:19 PM) principledsandard: and that christ took that punishment in their place
(09:19 PM) heavensent_john315: you are a sinner
(09:19 PM) principledsandard: you believe it
(09:19 PM) heavensent_john315: are you a baby now?
(09:19 PM) heavensent_john315: are you a sinner?
(09:19 PM) heavensent_john315: yes or no?
(09:19 PM) heavensent_john315: are you a sinner?
(09:19 PM) heavensent_john315: do you have any religion?
(09:19 PM) principledsandard: you can talk about the price of rice in china if you want to, but until you adresss the question at hand, YOU LOSE
(09:20 PM) heavensent_john315: you did not answer me
(09:20 PM) heavensent_john315: are you a sinner?
(09:20 PM) heavensent_john315: so you lose now
(09:20 PM) principledsandard: this text conversation will be posted on facebook
(09:20 PM) heavensent_john315: you lose now
(09:20 PM) heavensent_john315: why do you make babies suffer?
(09:21 PM) principledsandard: your false acccusations are typical of religious jackasses
(09:21 PM) heavensent_john315: do you see what sin is doing to you?
(09:21 PM) principledsandard: so drop the stage play, drop the farce
(09:21 PM) heavensent_john315: you make accusations about babies
(09:21 PM) heavensent_john315: do you see what sin is doing to you now?
(09:21 PM) principledsandard: you know what the title of this room is referring to and is rasiing questions about
(09:21 PM) heavensent_john315: you are sinning
(09:21 PM) principledsandard: which is the false doctrine of the penal substitute
(09:21 PM) heavensent_john315: why do you sin?
(09:21 PM) heavensent_john315: why do you sin?
(09:21 PM) principledsandard: which you heavensent(not)john, believe yourself
(09:21 PM) heavensent_john315: do you face penal punishment for your sins?
(09:22 PM) heavensent_john315: what about the babies you make suffer?
(09:22 PM) principledsandard: if i do something that i deserve punishment for, i would expect it and not grumble
(09:22 PM) heavensent_john315: why do you do this to babies?
(09:22 PM) heavensent_john315: you must be very brutal to harm babies
(09:22 PM) heavensent_john315: why do you punish babies?
(09:22 PM) heavensent_john315: you have no morals
(09:22 PM) heavensent_john315: you have no truth
(09:23 PM) Cyperaceae: who punishes babies?
(09:23 PM) principledsandard: the title of this room is made to raise attention to a very core aspect of the penal substitute doctrine
(09:23 PM) heavensent_john315: wow… and you still punish babies
(09:23 PM) heavensent_john315: why?
(09:23 PM) heavensent_john315: you are very brutal
(09:23 PM) Cyperaceae: I dont think that is what is intended heavensent
(09:23 PM) principledsandard: that Christ died in all men’s places, that all men deserved that judgment and punishment…if that is literally true, then infants are included in the mix
(09:24 PM) Cyperaceae: h ttp://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/12/24/satanic-temple-holiday-display-damaged-at-florida-capitol-woman-in-custody/
(09:24 PM) principledsandard: for we know infants live and die at 2 months, 2 days, 6 months, 2 years and so forth
(09:24 PM) principledsandard: so the question is did those infants deserve that death in wrath that others claim He suffered?
(09:24 PM) heavensent_john315: do you have any religion?
(09:24 PM) heavensent_john315: you seem lost
(09:24 PM) principledsandard: this point that I raise bothers the hell out of you heavensent(not)john
(09:24 PM) heavensent_john315: are you lost now?
(09:25 PM) heavensent_john315: you seem very lost
(09:25 PM) heavensent_john315: why are you lost?
(09:25 PM) heavensent_john315: maybe you are atheist
(09:25 PM) principledsandard: this is why all you can do is make absurd accusations against me…that have nothing to do with the subject at hand…which you WISH TO DISTRACT FROM
(09:25 PM) heavensent_john315: what accusations?
(09:25 PM) heavensent_john315: you seem very lost
(09:25 PM) heavensent_john315: why is that?
(09:26 PM) principledsandard: so once again this conversation will be posted on facebook and on the principledlegalstandard.org’s website
(09:26 PM) heavensent_john315: are you distracted in darkness?
(09:26 PM) heavensent_john315: wow
(09:26 PM) Cyperaceae: principled – it is all BS doctorine which deviates from original intent – and there will always be christians who are selfrigteous and bigoted, etc
(09:26 PM) heavensent_john315: you put yourself on facebook because you are lost
(09:26 PM) heavensent_john315: wow
(09:26 PM) heavensent_john315: do you have any religion now?
(09:26 PM) heavensent_john315: you seem lost in darkness
(09:26 PM) heavensent_john315: why are you lost?
(09:26 PM) principledsandard: I believe that Christ came to testify to the truth
(09:27 PM) heavensent_john315: what is your religion?
(09:27 PM) Cyperaceae: …then it got butchered by religious empires
(09:27 PM) heavensent_john315: do you know why you never answer?
(09:27 PM) principledsandard: and that He came to be tested and was tested at all points, yet no deceit was found in His mouth
(09:27 PM) heavensent_john315: how come you have no religion?
(09:27 PM) heavensent_john315: are you lost now?
(09:28 PM) principledsandard: and just as Jo was tested, Abraham, Daniel, Esther etc., Jesus Christ was tested…and the cross was for the purposes of the demonstration of His righteousness…I say again of His righteousness
(09:28 PM) heavensent_john315: so you never answer
(09:28 PM) heavensent_john315: you have no religion?
(09:28 PM) Cyperaceae: troll
(09:29 PM) Cyperaceae: …self righteous intolerant idiot
(09:29 PM) principledsandard: That He came to deliver man from things that are beyond man’s control, like slavery to the corrupting influence of the fleshy nature, and from ignorance and from the influence and power of Satan
(09:29 PM) heavensent_john315: why do you follow trolls?
(09:29 PM) Cyperaceae: you’re the troll
(09:29 PM) heavensent_john315: trolls will not help you
(09:29 PM) heavensent_john315: not me
(09:29 PM) principledsandard: bank robbery, murder, rape, etc, are not part of what is beyond man’s control
(09:29 PM) heavensent_john315: i am a christian missionary
(09:29 PM) heavensent_john315: not a troll
(09:29 PM) heavensent_john315: many people have no religion
(09:29 PM) heavensent_john315: why is that?
(09:29 PM) principledsandard: And that man does not need the deliverance of God from those elective crimes
(09:29 PM) Cyperaceae: then what are you doinghere aggravating principled
(09:30 PM) Cyperaceae: ?
(09:30 PM) heavensent_john315: many people have no GOD
(09:30 PM) heavensent_john315: principaled has no religion
(09:30 PM) Cyperaceae: so what? that is their choice
(09:30 PM) heavensent_john315: i am asking why?
(09:30 PM) principledsandard: Also, man has no need of the deliverance of God from man’s own perference or for the love of evil
(09:30 PM) heavensent_john315: what choice is that?
(09:30 PM) heavensent_john315: to have no religion?
(09:30 PM) Cyperaceae: if they want to not believe, that is none of your business
(09:30 PM) heavensent_john315: what kind of choice is that?
(09:30 PM) principledsandard: A man can do that all by himself, by changing his mind
(09:30 PM) heavensent_john315: atheists have no religion
(09:30 PM) heavensent_john315: why be an atheist?
(09:30 PM) Cyperaceae: it is called self determination
(09:30 PM) Cyperaceae: duh
(09:30 PM) heavensent_john315: GOD exists
(09:30 PM) principledsandard: the preference for good or for evil, is up to the man
(09:30 PM) heavensent_john315: why be an atheist?
(09:30 PM) Cyperaceae: why be anything?
(09:31 PM) heavensent_john315: preference for good and evil is up to man?
(09:31 PM) Cyperaceae: do you not understand or appreciate free will
(09:31 PM) heavensent_john315: you surely do not have any religion
(09:31 PM) principledsandard: there is nothing in the sin natures corrupt intincts that forces a man to rob banks, murder, or love that which is evil
(09:31 PM) heavensent_john315: so why do you choose evil?
(09:31 PM) principledsandard: the sin nature is irrelevant to the man’s preference or desires
(09:31 PM) heavensent_john315: it is your free will that chooses evil?
(09:31 PM) Cyperaceae: why do you choose evil, heavensent
(09:31 PM) heavensent_john315: i do not
(09:31 PM) heavensent_john315: i have a religion
(09:31 PM) heavensent_john315: principlestandard has no religion
(09:31 PM) heavensent_john315: do you know why?
(09:31 PM) Cyperaceae: you do not need a religion to choose good
(09:32 PM) principledsandard: “for the very thing I desire i do not, but the very thing that i do not desire I do, but it is not I that do it, it is the principle of the corrupt fleshy nature”
(09:32 PM) heavensent_john315: why go through life without religion?
(09:32 PM) heavensent_john315: you seem to be lost
(09:32 PM) principledsandard: “who will rescue me from this body of sin and death?”
(09:32 PM) Cyperaceae: why go through life WITH one
(09:32 PM) heavensent_john315: why do you want to suffer after death?
(09:32 PM) heavensent_john315: atheists suffer after death
(09:32 PM) principledsandard: “thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ!”
(09:32 PM) Cyperaceae: why do you want to suffer after death
(09:32 PM) heavensent_john315: agnostics suffer after death
(09:32 PM) Cyperaceae: prove it
(09:32 PM) heavensent_john315: Jews follow Judaism
(09:32 PM) heavensent_john315: but you have no religion
(09:32 PM) heavensent_john315: why is that?
(09:33 PM) heavensent_john315: Christians have Christianity
(09:33 PM) Cyperaceae: why do you assume as such
(09:33 PM) heavensent_john315: what will atheists do after death?
(09:33 PM) heavensent_john315: atheism has no truth
(09:33 PM) principledsandard: httP://www.principledlegalstandard.org
(09:33 PM) heavensent_john315: how can you assume atheism has any truth?
(09:33 PM) heavensent_john315: atheism has no truth
(09:33 PM) Cyperaceae: no one has truth – as huans we are ignorant
(09:33 PM) heavensent_john315: you can not assume anything about atheism
(09:33 PM) Cyperaceae: humans*
(09:33 PM) principledsandard: why do you bother to lie, because it is for no purpose. go to my website and see if I have a religion or not
(09:33 PM) heavensent_john315: you can be ignorant
(09:34 PM) heavensent_john315: GOD has truth
(09:34 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: john , do you know what the word religion means ?
(09:34 PM) heavensent_john315: atheism has no truth
(09:34 PM) heavensent_john315: atheism has nothing
(09:34 PM) Cyperaceae: he is just a troll and intolerant idiot, principled
(09:34 PM) heavensent_john315: atheists reject GOD
(09:34 PM) heavensent_john315: i am not a troll
(09:34 PM) principledsandard: your constant demonic accusations only reveal the wicked freakazoid that you are
(09:34 PM) Cyperaceae: you are
(09:34 PM) heavensent_john315: atheism has no truth
(09:34 PM) heavensent_john315: wow… so many demons in atheism
(09:34 PM) heavensent_john315: makes you wonder why atheists reject GOD
(09:34 PM) heavensent_john315: will you help atheists run away from atheism?
(09:34 PM) heavensent_john315: can you help?
(09:35 PM) heavensent_john315: atheists have no religion
(09:35 PM) principledsandard: I am not an atheist, and I will tell you this, no oene goes to the lake prison being ignorant of God, they knew Him and rejected him
(09:35 PM) heavensent_john315: can you help?
(09:35 PM) heavensent_john315: can you help atheists go away from atheism
(09:35 PM) heavensent_john315: atheists have no religion
(09:35 PM) principledsandard: try reading romans chapter 1
(09:35 PM) heavensent_john315: can you help?
(09:35 PM) principledsandard: atheists are liars
(09:35 PM) heavensent_john315: atheists do not read Romans
(09:35 PM) heavensent_john315: can you help?
(09:35 PM) Cyperaceae: hellsent, you should accept that not everyone does or has to believe as you do
(09:35 PM) heavensent_john315: can you help?
(09:35 PM) heavensent_john315: yes or no?
(09:35 PM) seeker86: christianity is a heart issue john. im pretty confident atheist heart is very cold and hardened
(09:35 PM) Cyperaceae: it is okay for them to make their own choices as to what or how to worship
(09:36 PM) Cyperaceae: you are not god
(09:36 PM) heavensent_john315: people enter hell fire after death for atheism
(09:36 PM) heavensent_john315: not good to die in atheism
(09:36 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: both theists and atheists are just sides , parts and neither one of these sides can reveal the wholness of things
(09:36 PM) heavensent_john315: atheism has no GOD
(09:36 PM) principledsandard: the very simple legal question as to the basis for wrath needs to be established first
(09:36 PM) heavensent_john315: atheists have no truth in atheism
(09:36 PM) principledsandard: do all men deserve the wrath of God?
(09:36 PM) seeker86: anyway i wanted to ask a question
(09:36 PM) Cyperaceae: agreed duch
(09:36 PM) heavensent_john315: atheism is not legal
(09:36 PM) heavensent_john315: all men deserve the wrath of GOD
(09:36 PM) heavensent_john315: we are all sinners
(09:36 PM) Cyperaceae: nice tunes, btw
(09:36 PM) Cyperaceae: I like the who
(09:36 PM) heavensent_john315: Romans 3:23
(09:37 PM) principledsandard: do infants deserve the wrath of God HVEAVENSENT?
(09:37 PM) principledsandard: answer the question
(09:37 PM) heavensent_john315: i prefer atheists to read Genesis
(09:37 PM) heavensent_john315: even infants are sinners
(09:37 PM) Cyperaceae: call him hellsent – t is more fitting
(09:37 PM) seeker86: do you guys think the messiah is a human like figured or is a symbol of the redemption of humankind from the evils of the world
(09:37 PM) principledsandard: DO INFANTS DESERVE THE WRATH OF GOD?
(09:37 PM) Cyperaceae: which mesiah
(09:37 PM) heavensent_john315: i forgive you for saying evil things, cyperraceae
(09:37 PM) principledsandard: answert he question,heavensent
(09:37 PM) heavensent_john315: plz do not say evil things
(09:37 PM) seeker86: the messiah foretold in the bible
(09:38 PM) Cyperaceae: which one
(09:38 PM) principledsandard: so, heavensen believes that babies should be nailed to trees
(09:38 PM) heavensent_john315: this room is handled by demons and evil witches
(09:38 PM) seeker86: isnt there only 1 messiah?
(09:38 PM) principledsandard: this is why heavensent is so pissed off
(09:38 PM) Cyperaceae: no
(09:38 PM) heavensent_john315: you are so ignorant now
(09:38 PM) heavensent_john315: you have no truth
(09:38 PM) seeker86: ok im referrig to the messiah traditional judasim attributed
(09:38 PM) Cyperaceae: the word messiah means anointed by god with a purpose or mesage
(09:38 PM) heavensent_john315: the devil has taken over your mind
(09:38 PM) Cyperaceae: it applies to several
(09:38 PM) heavensent_john315: atheism has no messiah
(09:39 PM) heavensent_john315: atheism has no GOD
(09:39 PM) principledsandard: once again, beware, this text convsersation will be posted on facebook and on the principledlegalstandards website
(09:39 PM) heavensent_john315: why be an atheist?
(09:39 PM) seeker86: oh. im talking about the coming messiah at the 2nd coming
(09:39 PM) heavensent_john315: you post on facebook how you hurt babies, principledsandard?
(09:39 PM) heavensent_john315: why are you brutal to babies?
(09:39 PM) Cyperaceae: that is a good question
(09:39 PM) heavensent_john315: you need to see a doctor
(09:39 PM) principledsandard: notice heavensents constant absurd accusations?
(09:40 PM) Cyperaceae: I am guessing it will be like any other messiah figure, with a good message
(09:40 PM) heavensent_john315: you need to stop being brutal to babies, principledsandard
(09:40 PM) heavensent_john315: do you know why evil has taken over principlesandard?
(09:40 PM) principledsandard: my doctrine is that infants never did deserve the wrath of God…but heavensent believes otherwise, when he said that “all men deserve the wrath of God”
(09:40 PM) Cyperaceae: I amnot really one to believe in messiahs though
(09:40 PM) heavensent_john315: hurting babies is not good
(09:40 PM) heavensent_john315: why do you want to hurt babies?
(09:40 PM) seeker86: the bible is based on doctrines that teach using parodies, literal and figurative interpretations of human nature. The basic ideology behind all of these doctrines is a moral standard exists. But since humans are inherently “evil,” someone must guide them to the correct path. Personally, I feel the fundamental goal behind these religions isn’t to focus on the characters but to understand what constitutes morality. Hence, the prophecy isn’t meant to be “literally” fulfilled, but rather an open-ended goal
(09:40 PM) Cyperaceae: I believe we are all gifted
(09:40 PM) principledsandard: therefore, heavensent is guilty of the very false accusations that he accuses me of.
(09:40 PM) heavensent_john315: you have no gifts for hurting babies
(09:41 PM) heavensent_john315: stop hurting babies
(09:41 PM) heavensent_john315: you are guilty of hurting babies
(09:41 PM) Cyperaceae: seeker – you are a profoundly minded person
(09:41 PM) Cyperaceae: I like you
(09:41 PM) principledsandard: heavensent advocates the hurting of babies, in his doctrine that all men deserve the wrath of God, even infants
(09:41 PM) seeker86: thanks
(09:41 PM) heavensent_john315: even infants are sinners
(09:42 PM) principledsandard: all people that are not religiously insane, know that infants have done nothing to deserve wrath or punishment
(09:42 PM) seeker86: i know others will disagree but im jus tlooking to hear some of yall opinion
(09:42 PM) Cyperaceae: I think you make a good point
(09:42 PM) heavensent_john315: even infants are sinners
(09:42 PM) principledsandard: if infants are sinners, then cite some sins that infants commit…even sins that infants have done that deserve punishment?
(09:42 PM) principledsandard: see, heavensent is clearly psychotic
(09:42 PM) Cyperaceae: for me it isn’t about oppositionbut rather learning and understanding, growing
(09:42 PM) heavensent_john315: sin entered into the world
(09:42 PM) principledsandard: accusing the innocents of crimes worthy of death
(09:43 PM) heavensent_john315: you are all silnners
(09:43 PM) principledsandard: infants did not cause sin to enter the world
(09:43 PM) heavensent_john315: everone of you is a sinner
(09:43 PM) principledsandard: they played no prt in it and therefore are not responsible for it
(09:43 PM) heavensent_john315: remember why infants are sinners too?
(09:43 PM) heavensent_john315: everyone of you is a sinner
(09:43 PM) Cyperaceae: so what if we are, hellsent
(09:43 PM) Cyperaceae: ?
(09:43 PM) principledsandard: name a sin that an infant commits you pinhead
(09:43 PM) heavensent_john315: everyone is a sinner
(09:43 PM) principledsandard: NAME A SIN
(09:43 PM) Cyperaceae: so?
(09:43 PM) heavensent_john315: they are born into a world of sin
(09:43 PM) principledsandard: DO IT, FREAK
(09:43 PM) heavensent_john315: even infants are sinners
(09:43 PM) principledsandard: being born is not a sin
(09:43 PM) principledsandard: idiot
(09:44 PM) heavensent_john315: being born into a world of sin makes you a sinner
(09:44 PM) principledsandard: no it does not
(09:44 PM) heavensent_john315: even infants are sinners
(09:44 PM) principledsandard: infants are not able to sin
(09:44 PM) heavensent_john315: you can argue against GOD on judgment day
(09:44 PM) principledsandard: they are not able to do anything
(09:44 PM) heavensent_john315: you will lose your argument
(09:44 PM) principledsandard: infants do NOTHING
(09:44 PM) heavensent_john315: you will lose in court
(09:44 PM) principledsandard: they cannot lie cheat or steal
(09:44 PM) heavensent_john315: you have no defense
(09:44 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: lol
(09:44 PM) Cyperaceae: hellsent, who are you to say?
(09:44 PM) heavensent_john315: you have no defense
(09:44 PM) heavensent_john315: you lose
(09:44 PM) principledsandard: REALITY IS MY DEFENSE
(09:45 PM) principledsandard: YOU HAVE NO DEFENSE
(09:45 PM) principledsandard: you have no evidence
(09:45 PM) Cyperaceae: what makes you the authority over others, hellsent?
(09:45 PM) heavensent_john315: why does principledsandard want to lose in court?
(09:45 PM) heavensent_john315: principledsandard has no truth in his statements
(09:45 PM) Cyperaceae: hellsent, why not let go and let god deal with it?
(09:45 PM) heavensent_john315: principledsandard loses in court
(09:45 PM) heavensent_john315: you lose
(09:45 PM) heavensent_john315: case closed
(09:46 PM) heavensent_john315: deal with it
(09:46 PM) Cyperaceae: hellsent, do you think you are god?
(09:46 PM) heavensent_john315: deal with it
(09:46 PM) heavensent_john315: case closed
(09:46 PM) Cyperaceae: then get lost, prick
(09:46 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: it became obvious to me some time back that sinners have no clue about divinity , and that sinners have their own ways , the ways of the sinners , where they claim that they know sin
(09:46 PM) heavensent_john315: deal with it
(09:46 PM) heavensent_john315: case closed
(09:46 PM) Cyperaceae: lol, duch(09:46 PM) heavensent_john315: even infants have sin
(09:47 PM) heavensent_john315: sin entered into the world
(09:47 PM) heavensent_john315: deal with it
(09:48 PM) Keepcalm111: wat did Christ get
(09:49 PM) heavensent_john315: many people do not know Christ
(09:49 PM) heavensent_john315: no Christ in the quran
(09:49 PM) principledsandard: copies of this chat room conversation can be found on this website: http://principledlegalstandard.org/heavensent_john315-religious-freak-paltalk/
(09:49 PM) heavensent_john315: when will you seek religion?
(09:50 PM) Keepcalm111: is this a god room
(09:51 PM) heavensent_john315: when will you seek religion, principledsandard?
(09:51 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: john do you know the ethymology of the word religion ?
(09:51 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: why do you advertise religion ?
(09:52 PM) heavensent_john315: buddhism has no truth
(09:52 PM) Keepcalm111: enlighten him n me duchbag
(09:52 PM) heavensent_john315: why does buddhism exist?
(09:52 PM) heavensent_john315: where did buddhism come from?
(09:52 PM) Keepcalm111: why does Christ exist
(09:52 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: lol john , i figured you were clueless
(09:52 PM) Keepcalm111: where did Christ come from
(09:53 PM) heavensent_john315: Christ existed long before you were born
(09:53 PM) heavensent_john315: Christ came from heaven
(09:53 PM) Keepcalm111: so was buddha
(09:53 PM) heavensent_john315: buddha did not
(09:53 PM) heavensent_john315: buddha is dead
(09:53 PM) heavensent_john315: what can buddha do?
(09:53 PM) Keepcalm111: so is Christ
(09:53 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: keepcalm ,the term religion comes from latin religre which has its roots in ancient german , lig means to bind where the noun bondage comes from
(09:53 PM) Keepcalm111: what can Christ do
(09:54 PM) principledsandard: http://biblehub.com/greek/2150.htm eusebia or religion
(09:54 PM) heavensent_john315: read the Holy Scriptures, keepcalm
(09:54 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: jonh , you need heros to do stuff for you , to walk the walk for you ?
(09:54 PM) heavensent_john315: maybe you will be enlightened
(09:54 PM) Keepcalm111: ty ducho
(09:54 PM) heavensent_john315: maybe you will learn to read
(09:54 PM) principledsandard: nothing like insulting everyone in here, huh heavensent?
(09:55 PM) principledsandard: “hey guys, maybe you should learn to read” lol
(09:55 PM) heavensent_john315: i never insulted anyone
(09:55 PM) principledsandard: such a nice fellow, isnt heavensent?
(09:55 PM) principledsandard: lol
(09:55 PM) heavensent_john315: may people are illiterate
(09:55 PM) heavensent_john315: they can not read one word
(09:55 PM) Alert: heavensent_john315 reddotted by: principledsandard
(09:55 PM) principledsandard: now you cant type one word, idiot
(09:55 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: john , why do you think you deserve anything if someelse will walk the walk instead of you ? is that justice of your god?
(09:55 PM) Keepcalm111: John is arrogant
(09:56 PM) principledsandard: thats an interesting question, duch
(09:56 PM) Keepcalm111: I hate religion
(09:56 PM) Keepcalm111: john com bk
(09:56 PM) Keepcalm111: u scum
(09:57 PM) principledsandard: put in other terms, most peoples version of justice, includes them not facing it, but someone else in their place(or someone else doing the walk instead of them)
(09:57 PM) Keepcalm111: ty principle
(09:57 PM) principledsandard: it is the heights of dishonor, to prefer that someone else face justice, even and innocent
(09:57 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: exactly principle
(09:57 PM) principledsandard: instead of them
(09:57 PM) Keepcalm111: agreed
(09:58 PM) principledsandard: i insist on facing justice, i would have it no other way
(09:58 PM) principledsandard: it is the honorable way
(09:58 PM) principledsandard: whatever i deserve i will receive without grumbling, for it would be just
(09:58 PM) principledsandard: and i want treated justly
(09:58 PM) Keepcalm111: well said pri
(09:58 PM) principledsandard: i want just what i deserve
(09:58 PM) Keepcalm111: agreed
(09:58 PM) principledsandard: no more no less
(09:59 PM) Keepcalm111: agreed
(09:59 PM) Keepcalm111: well said
(09:59 PM) principledsandard: evil men want to escape justice, even if an innocent has to supposedly suffer what they deserve in their place
(09:59 PM) principledsandard: well god is not and idiot
(09:59 PM) principledsandard: what everyone sows, they shall reap
(09:59 PM) principledsandard: an innocent did not reap what i sowed
(10:00 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: with all respect this train of thaught also links into praying for others ….
(10:00 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: why do ppl pray for others?
(10:00 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: do they not belive in justice?
(10:00 PM) principledsandard: so, when you have done things when you were young and stupid, before you wised up, is that to be held against you? i think not
(10:00 PM) Keepcalm111: because they think theyre chosen
(10:01 PM) principledsandard: well, duch, some would have a hard time explaining how they pray for “justice”…if christ was punished instead of the wilful offender
(10:01 PM) Keepcalm111: do u guyz believe in god
(10:01 PM) Keepcalm111: ?
(10:01 PM) Cyperaceae: it had to start with something
(10:02 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: keep , it is tricky question ….. first we would have to define what is believe
(10:02 PM) Cyperaceae: it must have an origin or basis
(10:02 PM) Keepcalm111: lol
(10:02 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: i prefere to know , ratyher than to believe(10:02 PM) Keepcalm111: me too duch you’re the man
(10:02 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: believe is a mind set based on not knowing ?right
(10:03 PM) Cyperaceae: faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things unseen
(10:03 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: did biblical jesus believe in god?
(10:03 PM) Keepcalm111: correct duch you’re good
(10:03 PM) Cyperaceae: apparently he did
(10:03 PM) Keepcalm111: no he didn’t
(10:03 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: there you go
(10:03 PM) DUCHODZIEJ: brb
(10:04 PM) Cyperaceae: there are verses where he suggests otherwise
(10:04 PM) principledsandard: well, belief is in what one believes is true
(10:04 PM) Keepcalm111: I like this duch he speaks my mind
(10:04 PM) principledsandard: not knowing is doubt
(10:04 PM) Keepcalm111: do u believe pri
(10:04 PM) principledsandard: you understand what the standard of goodness is right? to be good unto your neighbor? to not rob cheat or steal, right?
(10:04 PM) principledsandard: to not lie and so forth…
(10:05 PM) Keepcalm111: do u believe pri
(10:05 PM) principledsandard: what goodness is, is no mystery
(10:05 PM) principledsandard: it is no mystery to me
(10:05 PM) principledsandard: also that God is good is academic
(10:06 PM) principledsandard: He is the original of goodness, He invented the standard of goodness
(10:06 PM) Cyperaceae: G[o]od and [D]evil
(10:06 PM) principledsandard: no one can argue with this
(10:06 PM) Keepcalm111: im going to sleep imma add your arse up duch
(10:06 PM) principledsandard: to argue against this, is to argue that God is not good
(10:06 PM) Keepcalm111: imma add you too cyer
(10:06 PM) Cyperaceae: ty
(10:07 PM) Keepcalm111: yw
(10:07 PM) Cyperaceae: sleep well
heavensent_john315, the RELIGIOUS FREAK ON PALTALK
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