Rick D Baker (claims to be an apologist and a debater)
Because of a complaint about tweet order, the pasted conversation was replaced by the following screenshots. (Click screenshot and then click “full screen” box in the upper left corner to enlarge.)
Am I mistaken or hasn’t everyone I’ve met in life who called people idiot been of the devil? Doesn’t the Bible say we know we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren? And I believe it also says not to let any unclean conversation proceed from your mouth. And even in another place it says, if we say to our brother “thou fool” we are in danger of hell fire. And then it also says if we prophesy, and speak with tongues of angels, and work all manner of miracles, but forsake love, we become like a “sounding brass.” And it says in yet another place to teach with gentleness, and to edify one another. And to remove the beam from our own eye before we attempt to remove the mote from our brothers eye. If you have something from God to teach, how are you going to teach it if you dismiss everyone you meet as a liar and an idiot sent by the devil before you’ve barely begun to know them? You just seem like a wicked person to me, and if I had to guess your relationship with God is shriveled and warped because you’ve gotten so puffed up.
Point1.You are mistaken, you idiot. (Job 11:12 An idiot will become intelligent When the foal of a wild donkey is born a man).
Point 2. False teachers who suppress the truth and bear false witness about God are not brethren AND HAVE NOT DIED IN ORDER TO PASS OUT INTO LIFE, YOU SKANK. (1 Cor 15:36 You fool! That which you sow does not come to life unless it dies;)
Point 3. Pharisees like you, you snake, piss and moan about gnats and specks, while ignoring the tree that’s stuffed up your ass.
Point 4. You know the answer to the question concerning infants, but will not answer it either…BECAUSE YOU KNOW THE RAMIFICATIONS OF IT. So you can go slurp some garbage can water UNTIL YOU DO ANSWER THE QUESTION.
Point 5. Non has, nor ever will go to hell for calling an idiot (pretending to be a pastor), AN IDIOT.
Point 6. The one who is puffed up, is the one who takes offense at petty things and will not take instruction or correction.
Why do you do this? You’re foaming out your own shame. You’re on a self destructive path my friend, and I believe you see that. I rejoice when I’m called all manner of names for the sake of the gospel. 22 years a Christian, much of that time sharing the gospel online has toughened me to any barb or fiery arrow slung my way. I hope you can see that I am genuinely concerned for you because your behavior is very unstable. If you continue like this you are setting yourself up for a major fall, and you are tempting God by abusing his ministers in this way. I forgive you unreservedly for what you’ve said to me, and I will pray for God’s softening of your heart. I’m willing to counsel you in private if you ever feel the need- your friend, Kyle Cook.
[QUOTE] I rejoice when I’m called all manner of names for the sake of the gospel.[END QUOTE]
No you don’t “rejoice’, YOU PISS AND MOAN ENDLESSLY. And “your gospel” isn’t what you were called an idiot about…but because of a simple question that you refuse to answer…which is ESSENTIAL FOR YOU TO ANSWER, in order to establish a legal basis for “your gospel”. We didn’t even get to “your gospel” yet. Now you want to “play the martyr” as if you are a victim..which is another favorite tactic of liberals. You are as much a “martyr” as Bruce Jenner is a woman.
Now after continued distraction, assigning of impure motives, making behavior the issue…BACK TO THE QUESTION YOU AND THE OTHERS KEEP TRYING TO AVOID AND WON’T ANSWER:
The question still stands, unanswered, unaddressed.
What have infants done that they can be held responsible for, cite the law they have violated, name what is THEIR FAULT, name exactly what infants have done that they are GUILTY OF…establish a basis for wrath against infants FIRST! PROVE THAT INFANTS DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED (for you claim Christ suffered the wrath of God in their place). It is a logical question and logical reasoning to establish the basis for GOD having wrath against infants in the first place, to then claim it was diverted unto Christ. It is a very simple and reasonable question. It is what your whole gospel “rests on’ and is argued from. You can hyperventilate and feign the vapors all you want, you can even claim I am unspiritual and am going to hell, you can even lie about “praying for me”…I DON’T CARE….YOU HAVE TO ANSWER THE QUESTION TO ESTABLISH A LEGAL BASIS FOR YOUR SO-CALLED GOSPEL. Until you do, no further comments from you will be approved.
All these people care about is themselves and how their feelings were hurt. Forget about accusing and blaspheming God. Forget about the people who are harmed by their lies. They ignore the huge beams in their eyes. They dont care one bit about God or others, only themselves. They are not spiritual, they do not walk in love, but after the flesh.
They tryin to make the messenger the issue, rather than the content of what is said. The satanically religious are hypersensitive and use false rationalizations. If you call an idiot an idiot…their illogic irationalism used is ‘if you misbehave then the content of your argument must be incorrect”.
A simple example if those idiots way of thinking is: 1+1=2 is incorrect and is very bad math, because you call me an idiot”. Attack the messenger because they cannot refute the message. That is what liberal activists do. Perhaps they might want to visit another wall of shame winner, nailed to the wall…Me being so nice and cordial and sickly sweet (they might confuse me with Richard Simmons “honey”)…the end result of course is that he would not answer the question, attacked me, assigned an impure motive..and last but not least judged me as all but in hell already. You will have that with those pissheads and their “liberal spiritual trigger words and tones”…anything will set them off…and that “anything” doesn’t even have to be there in reality, in order for them to freak. They have a liberal theological narrative and propaganda, and when it is examined and subject to cross examination, even by simple questions…not being able to defend their views…distract, distract, accuse, distract, etc., etc.
The pseudo phony as hell POLITICALLY CORRECT “version” of how a “Christian” is supposed to behave, act, speak and even words they are permitted to speak…is so controlled and contrived…that if you do not act like the phonies do…”you ain’t Christian and whatever you say is rejected”(unless it is their narrative).